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DEPESCHE Princess Mimi Colouring Book

DEPESCHE Princess Mimi Colouring Book

SKU: 10839

Princess Mimi pro­duc­ts are per­fec­t­ly tailo­red to the needs and abi­li­ties of the youn­gest. With the colou­ring books, the pro­duc­ts for cut­ting and gluing and the scratch books they can deve­lop their talents in a play­ful way.

Put your hand on your (reversible sequins) heart: Can there be a sweeter colouring book? The world of Princess Mimi and her friends is so happy, magical and colourful! And with a little imagination and some coloured pencils it becomes even brighter: More than 20 lovely motifs are waiting to be coloured. Sweet extra: a sheet of super cute metallic stickers that make the pictures even more fabulous.

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